Thursday, September 23, 2010

Domo Arigato Numbers

     The popular night club and concert venue is coming to a bittersweet end.  I can't tell you how many high school Friday nights I spent here with a large group of friends.  In fact, you should never go to Numbers with just one or two people.  I suggest always going in a large group just for the comfort factor.  You can run into some wild crowds that not everyone is used to.  Numbers is probably one of the best places to people watch in Houston and I'll definitely be sad to see it go. real estate blogger, Nancy Sarnoff, posted a blog on September 14th breaking the news to the public ( Blog).  She states that Davis Commercial's Mark Davis is the Marketing Agent for the project and that the building is listed for $13,500 a month!  That's a lot of money for a building that is practically falling apart.  Nancy asks, "Have you seen it lately?" in reference to the building's condition.  Well, Nancy, I have.  I went with a few friends of mine just a couple of weeks ago.  It's in AWFUL condition.  The upstairs has randomly placed rugs to cover obvious soft spots in the floors.  It was running joke between us all, "DON'T STEP ON THE RUGS!"  The bathrooms obviously haven't gotten any cleaner in the past few years.  The men's restroom has the usual puddle of sticky wetness that can only be found in the Number's bathroom.  The women's restroom is still a haven for snorting drugs and odd sexual acts.  Nancy Sarnoff mentions the property is up for $13,500 a month, but that doesn't include the amount it's going to cost to bring the building up to code.  I'm right there with you Nancy.  I'm no fire marshal or electrician by any means, but from the naked eye view of someone who was sober walking through the building, it definitely needs some help.

     Nancy's article also says that the owner isn't looking to "kick-out" Numbers and that Numbers isn't going anywhere.  He obviously is open to new ideas for the place if he has it up for lease though.  One rumor is that Pappa's is looking into opening a chicken and rice restaurant in the iconic old night club.  I don't know about you guys, but I'm not sure eating there, no matter the renovations, is in my near or distant future.  I know what goes on and what has gone on there and that's enough to sway me from ever consuming food there.  No one knows what will happen to the building, but it's in a great location and will draw a crowd no matter what they choose to do with it.

     Not everything about Numbers turns me off.  I've had some really good times there.  Namely the time that a bunch of friends and I decided to pre-game a little too hard before going in.  We sat on this perfectly seat-formed tree and drank from plastic bottles of whiskey and vodka chasing them with cigarettes and bottled Sprite.  One of our friends was working with Homeland Security at the time and was awarded a nice badge along with the gig.  Upon flashing this to the bartender, the drinks kept coming, most of which were free.  When we left, all I remember is sitting in the backseat of a friend's extended cab Dodge Ram with my head bouncing off of the window next to me with the bumps of Westheimer aiding the process.  After about 5 minutes of me not being able to hold my own head up, someone noticed and literately held my head on either side for the rest of the drive.  The rest of the night is pretty much a blur.  It's nights like that one that make me title this blog, "Domo Arigato Numbers".  I thank you for all the wonderful shows and crazy 80s nights you've provided me.  I can only hope and pray you don't end up being another lame second hand clothing store that area doesn't need. 

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